Three brand-new short stories based on the fascinating characters and rich mythology of NBC’s world-wide hit TV series Heroes, and the blockbuster event series Heroes Reborn. The new season picks up five years after the finale of the original series and finds those with special powers in a precarious and dangerous world where they are feared, persecuted and attacked.
“Brave New World” (David Bishop) takes place a year after the fateful events of the Odessa Summit, and the world is a very different place. It’s certainly no longer friendly for Evolved Humans - or “Evos” - who are held responsible for what happened. If the government doesn’t find you, there are some tenacious and merciless Evo-hunters out there who will. This novelization is based on Tim Kring’s original drafts of the script for the explosive season premiere of Heroes Reborn and includes content not seen in the TV show.
In “A Matter of Trust” (Timothy Zahn), as the number of Evolved Humans increases, so does the pressure from the governments and people of the world. Father Mauricio begins searching for a way to help all Evos after befriending a troubled teenager who possesses a devastating secret. As a priest, it is Father Mauricio’s calling to protect the innocent and this includes the Evos who, by no fault of their own, find their lives and freedom being threatened.
In “Dirty Deeds” (Stephen Blackmoore), a veteran Federal agent begins investigating the involvement of ruthless Los Angeles Police Department detective James Dearing in the death of an Evolved Human. But when she gets close to uncovering a dangerous truth, it could cost him everything: his job, his freedom, maybe even his life.