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Titan Books' SDCC Booth

Published on 22 July, 2010

Authored by Titan Books

If you're at SDCC, come on over to Titan's Booth (5537) as we've got tons of things on show, including:

ADVANCE COPIES: Simon and Kirby Superheroes and Beetle Bailey 1965: The Daily & Sunday Strips are avaliable to purchase.

: We've got two IPad's to giveaway!

Be the first to see artwork from Icons: The DC Comics and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee.

EXCLUSIVE FREEBIES: We're giving away exclusive bookmarks at SDCC, including one for our upcoming Sucker Punch book, which features first-look artwork from the film.

And make sure you come back to the blog later today, as we'll be posting a preview of the Sucker Punch bookmark!