Titan Events at NYCC
Published on 6 October, 2011
Authored by Titan Books
Here at TITAN, things are gearing up for an incredible Con, with amazing panels and enviable show exclusives! Next week we'll be listing all the amazing exclusives you can find at our booth (940) and today we have details about the must-see events at NYCC.
Joe Simon – celebrating his autobiography, My Life in Comics, and his 98th birthday!
Comics legend Joe Simon will celebrate his 98th Birthday during the week of the Con and will appear on Friday in Room 1A23 at 3:45 - 4:45pm accompanied by his editor Steve Saffel for a panel on his autobiography, My Life in Comics. He’ll then be at the Titan booth signing and meeting fans (Friday, Booth 940, 5:00 - 6:00pm).
Roman Dirge – Boasting a New Art Collection and Lenore Merchandise.
Fans of Roman Dirge will be thrilled to learn of his special appearance at the Con as a Spotlight Guest. He’ll be appearing on Saturday in Room 1A24 at 11:00am-12:00pm to discuss his new hardback of rare and previously unpublished artwork, entitled Taxidermied, but that’s not all. He will also be signing books in the Autograph Area (Saturday, Autographing Table 8, 3:45-5:45pm).